Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Making Our Thirty-Year-Old Dreams Come True

I've been ridiculously busy. Between writing, teaching, school, and watching campaign coverage, I haven't had time to blog in weeks. But I just couldn't let this Hillary video go. It's about as inspiring (and timely) as she is.

"Start immediately on challenges!"


Anonymous said...

If you're married to the right guy, at the right time, then all your dreams might come true! <- That's her only message!

She had 8 years, with that husband, to do the things she's is promising to do now. Together, they blew it. She then did a 'reverse carpetbag' to NY where she gets now to pretend she is somehow different from every man who has preceded her just because she once produced estrogen.

Bill is about to lose his self-embraced status as the 'first black president' as she watches their one-time 'plantation' eroding away quickly. Hearing someone sing off key and badly about the mythology she and Bill hold onto about themselves, is entirely appropriate.

(I want to see someone video these photos of her over the opening credits of "Gone With the Wind.")

c. g. said...

is this real? could it be a joke? this alone could drive one into the Obama camp. and what power does the "singer" have over Clinton that she got this gig?

Anonymous said...

Nothing since the flu this winter has made me feel as ill as this - unless - coughhhhh, haaaaack, speeeeeeeeew - it is intended as the joke it seems?

Anonymous said...

Even better:

Anonymous said...

OMG, this one is like something out of an "Up With People" performance. Her camp has got to be using this format to appeal to conservative, white, women voters.

Go Obama!