Sunday, November 11, 2007

I Have So Much to Tell You But...

I saw No Country for Old Men and Dog gave a tearful apology on Larry King, but I can't even begin to post right now because I am so.





c. g. said...

well, i'm not gonna say "poor baby," but hung over is the worst. been there, done that. thank god not in years. hydrate hydrate hydrate. oh, try ginger in any form: gingerale, the thin slivered ginger in take-out sushi packages, crystallized ginger. i get more vertigo as i get older and the latter has been fantastic. hope the room stops spinning soon.

didi979 said...

Mir - I agree with mom. hydrate, hydrate, hydrate - and a few advil never hurt either.

Lots of hugs,
Auntie Di