Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Poll Part II

A big thanks to all of you who weighed in on the Do You Realize? debate. Here are the results:

There were 4 resounding No's, ages 41, 46, 49, and 59. Since I have decided that Kyle would also be a no (if only because I am a yes), we'll add a 22 and call it 5.

There were 8 Yes's, ages 20, 22, late 20s, 33, 48, 49, 50s, and 58. And then there's me of course, at the tail end of 25, making it a total of 9.

While my sample is hardly representative, I think it's safe to say that there's a definite age bias working here. With the exception of Kyle, the No's all cleared 40. And with the exception of my roommate (41, m, and only likes psychadelic or dub music made between February and August of 1967), the No's were all women, and related to me. Draw from that what you will.

So how about this guy? He's the new Dylan, as far as I'm concerned. And Kyle didn't like him, either.


c. g. said...

didn't make the deadline, but marylou listened when she was over on sunday. she thought the music was trite. the words were trite. she grimaced when i mentioned people comparing it to the Beatles. she said she loved the faces, but there should have been more variety. she is 55 or 56. suzanne couldn't get her media to work, but would have weighed in if she could have.
BTW the song is now in a commercial. can't remember if it is a car or what. some kind of product. that should count both for a nay and a yea i guess.

Anonymous said...

From a 20 y/o, Bright Eyes has wended its way upward through the imaginations of others into the heart of this bona fide ("I heard 'em when they were first played!")Dylan/Beatles/Hendrix fan. Conor Oberst is flat-out good, and to try to compare him to Dylan, as the Boomer purists will, is pointless: two way different sets of cultural stimuli are involved. Give Oberst a 60s Civil Rights movement, and we (the BBs)would be humming his stuff just as nostalgically as we do "Blowin' in the Wind."

Here's two more I like a lot:

First Day of Your Life

True Blue (new)

Justin said...

I think I'd have been more favorably inclined towards the Lips song if you never mentioned the word "Beatles." And it's spelled "Psychedelic," Miss Nearly Perfect SAT.