Tuesday, August 21, 2007

In Other News

I found this is the bathroom and couldn't resist:

I know its blurry and kinda hard to read, but the really good stuff is top right.

The singing skirt's names was Ellen Robb.
Age - about twenty-five.
Occupation - singer in a night club.
Figure - superb.

Don't you just love books?

And look what else I found. My brother's boots:

He wore a size 14. Like goddamn clown shoes. Here's a picture with my mother's very normal sized sneaker:

Ooh! My mother just came into the room with presents! She went to Scotland this summer, back BKD, and brought back presents that understandably were never distributed. Two little cookbooks - Scottish Fish Recipes (Herrings in Oatmeal, Ham and Haddie Layer, Potted or Soused Herrings) and Scottish Teatime Recipes (Pitcaithly Bannock, Petticoat Tails, Honey and Whiskey Cake), two clan tea towels - one Sinclair and one Campbell, these really beautiful little earrings made from real Scottish heather (though I don't quite understand how), and a spurtle, which is my new favorite thing. I'm trying to upload a picture of it, but the goddamn blog picture insert thing won't work right now. Anyway, it looks like it could be a tall white woman's wooden sex toy, but is actually a porridge-stirrer. Imagine a wooden spoon without the spoon part. Thanks, mom. I don't know what the hell I'm going to do with this.

UPDATE: So I guess sometimes my pictures don't post at all, though they appear on my computer, confusing me...so please let me know if you notice a missing image.
Here, the spurtle:

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