Thursday, August 30, 2007

My Brother Was Hot

Well, I finally got online access to some of Ky's pictures, and here he is. Isn't he beautiful?

Of course, this is much more how I remember him:

My mother is my number one blog fan, and every couple of days she's been emailing me responses to my posts, many of which have read like blogs themselves. So I suggested that she start blogging about Kyle, too.

All of you who have been asking about her can now check her out for yourselves at LosingKyle. There's lots more pics of Ky, including a ridiculously adorable baby pic of him and his long fingers, and a couple of me in various awkward adolescent phases. Mom, I think I should have some veto rights...

GTD from
Hi mir
I have been dating a man who I think is wonderful. We have so much in common, and everything is great. The problem is that when we have


c. g. said...
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Anonymous said...

I worked at a store once where some sort of something died in the wall. We could always hear this scratching and scurrying. Then one day it stopped and there was this smell. Unfortunatly we couldn't get to it without tearing the wall out. So, we just had to use loads of plug-ins, and deoterizers until it did it's thing. It's amazing that something that small could smell that bad.