Sunday, September 2, 2007

Chelsea is Weird

I was walking west on 23rd St. the other day and saw seven blind people (two with dogs), three freakishly veiny bodybuilders (two men, one woman), and two people missing a combined total of two hands and thirteen fingers all waiting at the light to cross 6th Ave. They weren't together (well, two of the body builders may have been together, but the third seemed to take pains to distance himself from them).

Now, there is a residence for the blind on the block, as well as one of those super serious muscle gyms, but how do you explain the missing body parts? How do you explain us all waiting at the same light? I wish I could have corralled them into some daytime alcoholics' bar and bought a few beers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OK..I'm hooked already..

you can look at mine sometime..(much more sedate)

I'll be reading more! David (JEW's dad)